Rules and Standards

Rules and Standards

Download the Rules and Standards and share with all participants


December 2019

Camp Oakley is a camp property owned and maintained by Camp Oakley, LLC, a charitable subsidiary of JKS Legacy Foundation. It provides an outdoor setting away from the world where religious groups and other charitable organizations may enjoy what nature has to offer. The purpose of Camp Oakley is (1) to directly provide an outdoor educational and personal growth experience for deserving youths, and for religious groups and other charitable organizations, (2) to protect and enhance the environment, (3) to preserve wild and open spaces, and (4) to promote the development of parks and green spaces and outdoor recreation.

Each participant must complete the Individual Participant Waiver form before entering the Camp Oakley Property. This form should be completed through the online waiver system.

The entity sponsoring an Activity at Camp Oakley will need to download, print, read and sign the Use and Hold Harmless Agreement.

General Information, Rules and Procedures

  • Cancellation Policy – We offer a 100% for cancellations 30 days reservations. There is zero refund offered for cancellations that are within 30 days of reservation. Please Contact Us for more information.
  • Every person (adult and children) who steps on to the Camp Oakley property must sign the waiver. No exceptions. 
  • This camp will not be open to organized camps, such as Boy Scouts of America where more than two troops, crews, or teams meet for a larger council, district, or similar meeting or activity. Individual scouting troops, crews, or teams may be invited as long as the number does not exceed 30 daytime or 24 overnight capacities with a 5 consecutive night stay.
  • Groups may arrive as early as provided in the Use and Hold Harmless Agreement with Camp Oakley, LLC. Vehicles should be parked outside of the fence and camping area. Please keep the entrance gate at South Fork Road closed at all times.
  • Upon departure, the Camp should be cleaner than you found it. Please remove all garbage and any other items brought with you, turn off any lights and water spigots. Close all gates.
  • Weather varies greatly. Be prepared.
  • Be good friends and neighbors. Be sensitive to local residents.
  • Toilet paper generally is provided by Camp Oakley. Do not discard garbage or any other materials in the toilets.
  • Water conservation is encouraged. Water fights are not permitted.
  • ATV’s and similar recreational vehicles of any type are not permitted in the Camp area. Campers recognize and acknowledge that Camp Oakley will not allow any waste disposal or dumping at the campsite.

Safety and Security

  • Pregnant women and those with significant health issues are strongly discouraged from attending the camp.
  • Fires are permitted in designated fire rings ONLY. Fires must be attended at all times or extinguished completely. Fires are NOT permitted in any other areas at any time for any reason! SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED. No candles, liquid fuels, or fireworks of any kind are permitted. Fire restrictions may require temporary termination of all fires in camp.
  • Cooking with propane stoves is permitted with adult supervision unless otherwise directed by Camp Oakley or a State Fire Marshall. Dutch oven cooking is permitted in the fire ring. Discard used briquettes in the fire rings and extinguish them properly.
  • The buddy system is strongly recommended.
  • The altitude at camp is 6,400.
  • The nearest hospital is in Park City, 9 miles away.
  • Archery, firearms or other weapons are not permitted in any area of Camp.
  • This is a mountain area camp. There are ticks, snakes, stinging nettle, bees and other mountain insects and plants. There are deer, mountains lions, moose, and elk. If you leave the Camp property, you do so at your own risk. Be alert and observe safe hiking practices.


  • Camp Oakley prohibits prohibit use of profane, foul, obscene, or abusive language; the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products; any immoral, immodest or indecent dress, behavior, conduct or action; gambling; and the illegal manufacture, sale, purchase, possession, or consumption of any drug.